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AAT privacy impact assessment register

Date completed  Project titleProject summary
07/08/2018Customer persona projectConduct of customer survey by independent research agency.
08/08/2018Online document submission projectAAT trial of an online portal for uploading case-related documents by users.
06/03/2019eCase Search relaunchRelaunch of internally developed eCase search functionality.
11/06/2019Skype for BusinessIntroduction of Skype for Business for internal use and some external conciliations.
26/07/2019Single touch payrollImplementation of more frequent, automated reporting of employee’s personal information to ATO.


New members appraisal schemeNew scheme to enhance professional appraisal and development for members.
27/08/2020New HR system New HR system to manage recruitment, onboarding and offboarding AAT personnel.


Implementation of Window Hello Biometric authentication for AAT employees and members who have been issued an AAT’s portable computer devices. 
05/11/2020Microsoft O365New cloud storage system.
24/11/2020Online portalSingle online portal for lodging applications and documents.  
15/12/2020Digitisation of summons documentsDigital submission service to lodge summons material electronically.
16/12/2020Digitisation of hearing papers (s.37 documents)Introduction of processes and systems to receive hearing papers electronically from respondent departments/agencies.
15/12/2020HR file digitisationDigitisation of existing staff and member paper personnel files .
17/12/2020Staff support programTrauma informed supervision and peer support training program by an external provider.
06/09/2021HROnboard systemExtension of existing HR system to perform onboarding, cross boarding and offboarding functions of AAT personnel. 

Accessibility strategy 

Survey and workshop about accessibility at the AAT. 
03/09/2024ART inquiry/feedback formsWebsite that allows members of the public to submit inquiries to the ART.