On this page
About our online services
The Tribunal has a digital platform that centralises all of our online services in a single location and includes useful features for account holders.
What is available through online services
You can use online services to:
- apply for a review
- pay application fees online (if applicable)
- lodge documents
- keep track of your applications and documents
- archive cases
- search for information about your case.
Creating an account
You will need a valid email address to create an account.
Creating an account will allow you access to your own secure dashboard. By creating an account, you will be able to:
- use your personal dashboard to view applications and documents lodged with the Tribunal
- take advantage of enhanced security with two-factor authentication
- add any current cases you have with the Tribunal
- archive, search, and sort your cases.
Accessing online services without creating an account
You can access the following online services without creating an account:
- Apply for a review.
- Lodge documents.
- Use eCaseSearch to search for information about some cases.
However, you will not have access to a dashboard to see what you have sent us.
Specifications for online submission of section 23 documents
Online services
Our online services allow parties to send us documents in any case that has already been lodged with the Tribunal. This includes the documents that the decision-maker must lodge under section 23 of the Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024 (section 23 documents).
In accordance with the Common Procedures Practice Direction, section 23 documents must be lodged using the online services portal where possible.
Online services can be used to lodge section 23 documents up to a maximum size of 100MB. For files larger than 100MB, please contact your local registry to lodge the documents.
More information is available in the Administrative Review Tribunal online services portal user guidelines.
Administrative Review Tribunal specification for digital section 23 documents
The following specification outlines the Tribunal’s requirements for preparing digital 23 documents for the benefit of both Tribunal users and Tribunal staff:
In summary (see below for more details):
- Accessibility – use of a screen reader application.
- File format – section 23 documents lodged must be in Portable Document Format (PDF).
- Searchable text – text must be machine readable and searchable.
- Other content – non-searchable text (e.g. images) should be at a sufficient resolution.
- File size and compression – section 23 documents should be contained in a single PDF file, not exceeding 100MB. Separate PDFs can be uploaded.
- Structure and navigation – section 23 documents must have an index, each document and each page must be numbered appropriately, and hyperlinked or bookmarked from the index (preferred).
- Document security – Password restrictions should not be applied.
Requirement | Description |
Accessibility | Accessibility can be assisted by the use of a screen reader application. Though PDF is a standard, the content and structure of PDF documents vary widely. Accessibility is affected by four types of PDF documents: image only files, untagged documents, tagged documents and electronic forms. The aim of this specification is to maximise the effective use of digital section 23 documents. It is acknowledged that due to a wide variety of page layouts, document structures and a low degree of tagging for documents that screen readers may have difficulty extracting words, sentences and paragraphs in a coherent order. The method of service of section 23 documents on applicants and any other parties is a matter for the relevant decision-maker. The PDF version should be provided having regard to the accessibility needs of the recipient and alternative formats offered as required. |
File format | Digital section 23 documents lodged with the Administrative Review Tribunal must be in (PDF). They should be saved in the latest version. The minimum acceptable format is PDF 1.5. |
Searchable text | Text must be machine readable and searchable. For documents created in Microsoft Word, searchable text will be preserved when exported to PDF. Where documents are scanned from hardcopy, optical character recognition will need to be used to convert to searchable text. |
Other content | It is acknowledged that some section 23 documents will contain records, such as handwritten notes, photos, diagrams and other images, that are not able to be converted to searchable text. Images should be at a sufficient resolution for screen viewing and printing, generally 300dpi, with appropriate compression to reduce overall file size. Although PDF files may contain interactive elements such as annotations, form fields, video, 3D and rich media, the Tribunal does not permit interactive elements. Please ensure the PDF does not contain interactive elements. |
File size and compression | To the extent possible, digital section 23 documents should be contained in a single PDF file with the highest amount of compression. They should not be larger than 100MB. If necessary, multiple volumes can be created as separate PDF files. Supplementary section 23 documents should be created in the same manner. |
Structure and navigation | Each document must be identified with a number commencing with the application for review as ‘T1’. Subsequent documents will bear ‘T’ numbers in sequence. Each page must be numbered sequentially. The section 23 documents must be accompanied by an index, which sets out the date and a brief description of each document. The pagination must be set out in the index. To ensure the section 23 documents can be navigated quickly, each T-document must be:
Multiple volumes and supplementary documents should be created as separate PDF files each with its own index or bookmarks. |
Document security | Password restrictions should not be applied as this can impact useability. The file does not require a digital signature. |
PDF resources
Specifications for other document bundles
In some circumstances, the respondent may lodge bundles of digital documents that section 23 does not apply to. It is the Tribunal’s expectation that these documents are provided, to the extent possible, in format consistent with this specification.
For example, section 23 does not apply to the review of decisions under either section 501 or 501CA of the Migration Act 1958 for a person inside the migration zone. In these matters, it is common practice for the Tribunal to request a digital copy of the bundle of documents previously provided to the applicant pursuant to section 501G of the Migration Act 1958, along with summonsed material compiled by the respondent in these matters. The Tribunal will be assisted by the respondent providing such documents as a searchable PDF with appropriate indexing, compression and navigation features as set out above.
PDF resources
Lodging documents online in response to a summons
Select “Continue without account” on the online services login page, then select “Send us documents”.