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Brisbane registry staying closed on Monday 10 March

The safety of our members, staff and the wider community remains our priority as we prepare for the impacts of the cyclone in south-eastern Queensland and northern New South Wales.

Due to changed conditions since our previous update, we are planning to re-open our Brisbane registry on Tuesday 11 March. 

We are monitoring the situation closely and will provide updates about any further closures.

Contacting us

There are many ways to contact us without visiting our office.

Telephone calls to our Brisbane registry are currently being answered by staff in other locations. 

You can also still lodge applications and submit documents using our online services.

Listed hearings and other case events 

Tribunal staff will be in contact to make arrangements with you if your listed event is impacted by the closure.

Residents should continue to monitor their state government emergency services websites (for example, Get Ready Queensland and NSW State Emergency Service) for further information, and act on relevant warnings for their location as issued by emergency services and the Bureau of Meteorology.

We will post a further update if we need to extend the closure of the Brisbane registry.