On this page, you can find out about legal assistance by state or territory for immigration and citizenship cases, and for refugee (protection) cases.
We've provided this information about other organisations that may be able to help you. While we make every effort to keep information current, we can't confirm the details have not changed. Please contact the relevant organisation to ask about their services if you have any questions.
Legal assistance for immigration and citizenship review applicants
Here are the options for people who are seeking a review of a decision that is not related to a refugee (protection) case:
We can help you understand the review process, but we cannot give you advice about your case.
There are professional people (for example, migration agents) and other organisations that can help you with your review.
Help from a registered migration agent
You may be able to get help from a registered migration agent.
The Register of Migration Agents has contact details for registered migration agents.
Help from a lawyer
The following organisations may be able to provide you with legal assistance, or help you find a lawyer:
Legal Aid ACT
Legal Aid ACT provides legal services, with a particular focus on the needs of people who are economically and/or socially disadvantaged.
Phone: 1300 654 314
ACT Law Society
The ACT Law Society can help you find a private lawyer.
The pro-bono clearing house is a service that may be able to help you find pro-bono (free or reduced fee) assistance.
You can also contact a Community Legal Centre.
Phone: (02) 6274 0300
We can help you understand the review process, but we cannot give you advice about your case.
There are professional people (for example, migration agents) and other organisations that can help you with your review.
Help from a registered migration agent
You may be able to get help from a registered migration agent.
The Register of Migration Agents has contact details for registered migration agents.
Help from a lawyer
The following organisations may be able to provide you with legal assistance, or help you find a lawyer:
Legal Aid NSW
Provides legal services, with a particular focus on the needs of people who are economically and/or socially disadvantaged.
Legal Aid has an Immigration Service, which is free legal advice, assistance and representation about refugee law and other immigration matters.
Call LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529 to get started.
Community Legal Centres (CLCs)
An online CLC Recommendation Service is available. Answer some questions about your situation and you will be directed to a suitable CLC. Tip: Select ‘I have an immigration problem’ at question 1.
You can also call LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529 for help finding a CLC.
Key CLCs are:
Refugee Advice and Casework Service (RACS)
Provides many services including a Casework Service to represent and help people seeking asylum present their case effectively to the Tribunal.
Phone: (02) 8355 7227
Immigration Advice and Rights Centre
Provides free legal advice on immigration matters.
Phone: (02) 8234 0700
Law Society of NSW
The Law Society of NSW can help you find a private lawyer.
The Law Society's Pro Bono Scheme can put you in contact with law firms willing to provide their legal services for free or for reduced fees.
Phone: (02) 9926 0333
We can help you understand the review process, but we cannot give you advice about your case.
There are professional people (for example, migration agents) and other organisations that can help you with your review.
Help from a registered migration agent
You may be able to get help from a registered migration agent.
The Register of Migration Agents has contact details for registered migration agents.
Multicultural Council of the Northern Territory
The Multicultural Council of the Northern Territory runs a migration advice service in partnership with the Migration Institute of Australia. Volunteer registered migration agents provide free advice sessions.
Bookings are essential for this service, please contact (08) 8945 9122 or admin@mcnt.org.au to find out which sessions are available.
Help from a lawyer
The following organisations may be able to provide you with legal assistance, or help you find a lawyer:
Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission
The Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission provides legal services, with a particular focus on the needs of people who are economically and/or socially disadvantaged.
Phone: 1800 019 343
Law Society NT
The Law Society NT can help you find a private lawyer.
Phone: (08) 8981 5104
We can help you understand the review process, but we cannot give you advice about your case.
There are professional people (for example, migration agents) and other organisations that can help you with your review.
Help from a registered migration agent
You may be able to get help from a registered migration agent.
The Register of Migration Agents has contact details for registered migration agents.
Help from a lawyer
The following organisations may be able to provide you with legal assistance, or help you find a lawyer:
Community Legal Centres (CLCs)
Search the CLC directory to find a suitable CLC. Tip: Select ‘Immigration’ from the first drop down list.
Phone: (07) 3392 0092
The Refugee and Immigration Legal Service (RAILS) is a key CLC that provides free immigration advice, legal assistance and legal education to migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers in Queensland.
Phone: (07) 3846 9300
Queensland Law Society
The Queensland Law Society can help you find a private lawyer.
Phone: 1300 367 757
We can help you understand the review process, but we cannot give you advice about your case.
There are professional people (for example, migration agents) and other organisations that can help you with your review.
Help from a registered migration agent
You may be able to get help from a registered migration agent.
The Register of Migration Agents has contact details for registered migration agents.
Help from a lawyer
The following organisations may be able to provide you with legal assistance, or help you find a lawyer:
Legal Services Commission of South Australia
Provides legal services, with a particular focus on the needs of people who are economically and/or socially disadvantaged.
The Legal Services Commission offers a free legal advisory service to immigrants and refugees.
Phone: 1300 366 424 or (08) 8111 5539
JusticeNet may be able to connect you with a lawyer who can help on a pro bono (free) basis.
The Law Society of South Australia
The Law Society of South Australia can help you find a private lawyer.
Phone: (08) 8229 0200
We can help you understand the review process, but we cannot give you advice about your case.
There are professional people (for example, migration agents) and other organisations that can help you with your review.
Help from a registered migration agent
You may be able to get help from a registered migration agent.
The Register of Migration Agents has contact details for registered migration agents.
Help from a lawyer
The following organisations may be able to provide you with legal assistance, or help you find a lawyer:
Community Legal Centres (CLCs)
Search the Community Legal Centres Tasmania website to find a suitable CLC.
The Refugee Legal Service is a key CLC that provides legal advice to refugees and asylum seekers.
Phone: (03) 6169 9473
Women's Legal Service Tas (WLST)
The Women's Legal Service Tas has migration lawyers based in both Hobart and Launceston
Phone: 1800 682 468
The Law Society of Tasmania
The Law Society of Tasmania can help you find a private lawyer.
Their Pro Bono Referral Service may be able to help you find pro-bono (free or reduced fee) legal assistance.
Phone: (03) 6234 4133
We can help you understand the review process, but we cannot give you advice about your case.
There are professional people (for example, migration agents) and other organisations that can help you with your review.
Help from a registered migration agent
You may be able to get help from a registered migration agent.
The Register of Migration Agents has contact details for registered migration agents.
Help from a lawyer
The following organisations may be able to provide you with legal assistance, or help you find a lawyer:
Victoria Legal Aid
Victoria Legal Aid provides legal services, with a particular focus on the needs of people who are economically and/or socially disadvantaged.
Phone: 1300 792 387
Community Legal Centres (CLCs)
Search the CLC directory to find a suitable CLC.
Tips for searching the CLC directory:
- Scroll up to enter your postcode to find a CLC near you.
- Use keywords such as ‘migration’ or ‘refugee’.
- Select ‘asylum’ from the drop-down list.
You can also call the Federation of Community Legal Centres on (03) 9652 1501 for help finding a CLC.
Key CLCs are:
Provides free specialist legal assistance to people seeking asylum, refugees and disadvantaged migrants.
Phone: (03) 9413 0177 (Refugee Legal ART Protection Processing hotline 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)
Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC)
Provides legal assistance to refugees and people seeking asylum.
Phone: 03 9326 6066 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday)
Law Institute Victoria
The Law Institute Victoria can help you find a private lawyer.
Phone: (03) 9607 9550
We can help you understand the review process, but we cannot give you advice about your case.
There are professional people (for example, migration agents) and other organisations that can help you with your review.
Help from a registered migration agent
You may be able to get help from a registered migration agent.
The Register of Migration Agents has contact details for registered migration agents.
Help from a lawyer
The following organisations may be able to provide you with legal assistance, or help you find a lawyer:
Legal Aid Western Australia
Legal Aid Western Australia provides legal services, with a particular focus on the needs of people who are economically and/or socially disadvantaged.
Phone: 1300 650 579
The Law Society of Western Australia
The Law Society of Western Australia can help you find a private lawyer.
Phone: (08) 9324 8600
Law Access
Law Access is a not-for-profit organisation that may be able to help you find pro-bono (free or reduced fee) legal assistance.
Phone: (08) 6488 8725
Community Legal Centres (CLCs)
Search the CLC directory to find a suitable CLC near you.
Key CLCs are:
Provides migration assistance, legal advice and education.
Phone: (08) 6148 3636
Southern Communities Advocacy Legal Education Service Inc. (SCALES)
Provides a statewide service in the area of immigration.
Phone: (08) 9550 0400
Legal assistance for refugee review applicants
Free legal assistance
You may be able to receive free legal assistance from a refugee and immigration legal assistance provider if you are applying for review of:
- a decision made under the Migration Act 1958 to refuse or cancel protection visas.
- a decision made under section 197D of the Migration Act that a protection finding would no longer be made about a person.
List of legal assistance providers in your state or territory
State or Territory | Name | Website |
Australian Capital Territory | Legal Aid ACT | www.legalaidact.org.au |
New South Wales | Legal Aid NSW Immigration Advice and Rights Centre (IARC) Refugee Advice & Casework Service (RACS) | www.legalaid.nsw.gov.au www.iarc.org.au www.racs.org.au |
Northern Territory | NT Legal Aid Commission | www.legalaid.nt.gov.au |
Queensland | Refugee and Immigration Legal Service (RAILS) LawRight | www.rails.org.au www.lawright.org.au |
South Australia | Legal Services Commission of South Australia | www.lsc.sa.gov.au |
Tasmania | Tasmanian Refugee Legal Service | www.trls.org.au |
Victoria | Refugee Legal Victoria Legal Aid | www.refugeelegal.org.au www.legalaid.vic.gov.au |
Western Australia | Circle Green Community Legal | www.circlegreen.org.au |