We can review a range of decisions made by Services Australia
If you received a decision about a Centrelink payment, allowance or benefit you don’t agree with, we might be able to help you with a review of your case. We can only review the decision if it has been first reviewed by a Centrelink Authorised Review Officer.
Rejection of a claim
What we can review
We can review most decisions made by Centrelink to reject a claim, but only if it has first been reviewed by a Centrelink Authorised Review Officer (ARO) or Subject Matter Expert (SME).
We can review most Centrelink decisions about:
- social security pensions, benefits and allowances
- concession and health care cards
- family assistance payments
- farm household support
- paid Parental Leave
- student assistance payments, including ABSTUDY.
The Centrelink decision letter will tell you if we can review the decision.
We cannot:
- review a decision that has not been reviewed by a Centrelink ARO or SME
- investigate a complaint about Centrelink
- consider a claim for compensation for detriment experienced because of defective actions or inaction (CDDA scheme)
- change the law.
How to apply
The easiest and safest way to apply for a review is online.
To create an account and lodge an application online, you will need a valid email address and information about the decision you want us to review.
Find out more about using our online services.
Paid Parental Leave (claimant)
If you want to lodge a review about a Paid Parental Leave decision, you must lodge your application in writing. The easiest way to apply is online or you can fill in an application form [PDF, <1 MB].
Paid Parental Leave (employer)
If you are an employer lodging an application about a Paid Parental Leave decision you must apply in writing. You cannot apply online. Strict time limits apply.
A Paid Parental Leave (employer) application must include:
- the condition or conditions that the employer believes are not satisfied
- a statutory declaration verifying the application.
- Application form for review of paid parental leave decision - employer [PDF, <1 MB]
You can download and fill in an application form [PDF, <1 MB] and send it to us.
Alternatively, you can ask us for a review by:
- calling us on 1800 228 333
- emailing reviews@art.gov.au
- sending us a letter
- visiting a Tribunal office.
If you want to lodge an application in person at one of our registries, or by post or email check our contact details.
When you apply for a review, we need:
- your name, postal address, telephone number and email address
- the date you received the decision
- a copy of the decision
- brief reasons why you think the decision is wrong.
If you cannot send us a copy of the decision, then include:
- the name of the department that made the decision
- a brief description of the decision
- the date the decision was made.
We can only accept an application made on behalf of someone else if you are:
- the person's lawyer
- holding a power of attorney for the person authorising the commencement of legal proceedings
- the person's appointed guardian
- the executor or administrator of the person's deceased estate.
Look at the Common Procedures Practice Direction [PDF, <1 MB] for more information.
When to apply
There are time limits for the first review of some Centrelink decisions. These are listed below.
There is no time limit for other Centrelink decisions. However, you might not receive back payment if you do not apply within 13 weeks after being given notice of the Authorised Review Officer (ARO) or Subject Matter Expert (SME) decision.
You can check the Centrelink decision letter to find out if there is a time limit and what the time limit is.
The following types of decisions have time limits:
Family assistance decisions
You must lodge the application within 90 days after you receive the ARO or SME decision.
However, there is no time limit if you receive family assistance payments by instalment or if the decision is about a family assistance debt.
Paid Parental Leave decisions as a claimant
You must lodge the application within 28 days after you receive the ARO or SME decision.
Paid Parental Leave decisions as an employer
You must lodge the application within 14 days after the date of the ARO or SME decision.
Student assistance decisions, including ABSTUDY debt decisions
You must lodge the application within 90 days after the date of the ARO or SME decision.
Requesting an extension
You can apply to us to extend the time limit to lodge your application. You must apply in writing and include reasons why the application is late. You can do this:
- when you lodge your application for review online
- when you fill in the application form [PDF, <1 MB]
- by writing an email or letter.
We will only start the review if we decide to extend the time limit.
There is no fee to apply for a first review of a Centrelink decision.
Review process
After you submit an application, we will send you a confirmation letter explaining what will happen next.
We will also notify other parties to the review that we have received the application. For Centrelink cases, the parties include:
- Centrelink
- in some cases, another person affected by the decision, such as the other parent or carer of the child in a review of a family assistance care percentage decision.
You can find out what usually happens next in the After applying section.
You can also look at the Common Procedures Practice Direction [PDF, <1 MB] for further detail.
Getting help for your review
It is important to us that you are able to fully participate in the review and present your case.
Our processes are informal and user-friendly. You can deal with us directly with little or no assistance if you wish.
However, we understand that you may need or want assistance with your review, or other kinds of support.
You can deal directly with us (represent yourself) or you can ask someone to help and represent you.
If you have any questions about the review process, you can ask us.
You can have someone to represent you such as:
- a lawyer or other professional person
- your spouse or partner
- a friend or relative.
If you want legal advice or someone to represent you, it is best to organise this as soon as possible. You can appoint someone to represent you by using the Authority for representative form [PDF, 1.1 MB].
We cannot pay for any costs of a lawyer or professional person to represent you.
Your representative can:
- communicate with us on your behalf
- give us written evidence and written submissions on your behalf
- attend the directions hearing and hearing.
We will usually send documents relating to the review directly to you. You can then give them to your representative. We will issue a non-disclosure order to any representative.
Look at the Common Procedures Practice Direction [PDF, <1 MB] for more information.
You must tell us immediately if there are any changes to your representative’s details.
We can help you understand the review process, but we cannot give you advice about your case.
There are professional people (for example, lawyers) and other organisations that can help you with your review. You can find a list of places where you may be able to get legal advice on our Help and resources page.
If you need an interpreter, please let us know. We will arrange for a qualified interpreter to assist, free of charge. Find out how.
For immediate assistance in your language, please contact Translating and Interpreter Services on 131 450.
If you need assistance because of a disability, please contact us as soon as possible. We will try and make arrangements to help.
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service.
Visit our Help and resources page.
Suspension or cancellation of a payment or allowance
What we can review
We can review most decisions made by Centrelink to suspend or cancel a payment or allowance, but only if it has first been reviewed by a Centrelink Authorised Review Officer (ARO) or Subject Matter Expert (SME).
We can review most Centrelink decisions about:
- social security pensions, benefits and allowances
- concession and health care cards
- family assistance payments
- farm household support
- paid Parental Leave
- student assistance payments, including ABSTUDY.
The Centrelink decision letter will tell you if we can review the decision.
We cannot:
- review a decision that has not been reviewed by a Centrelink ARO or SME
- investigate a complaint about Centrelink
- consider a claim for compensation for detriment experienced because of defective actions or inaction (CDDA scheme)
- change the law.
Access extra information to help you prepare for a review of a decision relating to a Disability Support Pension.
How to apply
The easiest and safest way to apply for a review is online.
To create an account and lodge an application online, you will need a valid email address and information about the decision you want us to review.
Find out more about using our online services.
Paid Parental Leave (claimant)
If you want to lodge a review about a Paid Parental Leave decision, you must lodge your application in writing. The easiest way to apply is online or you can fill in an application form [PDF, <1 MB].
Paid Parental Leave (employer)
If you are an employer lodging an application about a Paid Parental Leave decision you must apply in writing. You cannot apply online. Strict time limits apply.
A Paid Parental Leave (employer) application must include:
- the condition or conditions that the employer believes are not satisfied
- a statutory declaration verifying the application.
- Application form for review of paid parental leave decision - employer [PDF, <1 MB]
You can download and fill in an application form [PDF, <1 MB] and send it to us.
Alternatively, you can ask us for a review by:
- calling us on 1800 228 333
- emailing reviews@art.gov.au
- sending us a letter
- visiting a Tribunal office.
If you want to lodge an application in person at one of our registries, or by post, email or fax, check our contact details.
When you apply for a review, we need:
- your name, postal address, telephone number and email address
- the date you received the decision
- a copy of the decision
- brief reasons why you think the decision is wrong.
If you cannot send us a copy of the decision, then include:
- the name of the department that made the decision
- a brief description of the decision
- the date the decision was made.
We can only accept an application made on behalf of someone else if you are:
- the person's lawyer
- holding a power of attorney for the person authorising the commencement of legal proceedings
- the person's appointed guardian
- the executor or administrator of the person's deceased estate.
Look at the Common Procedures Practice Direction [PDF, <1 MB] for more information.
When to apply
There are time limits for the first review of some Centrelink decisions. These are listed below.
There is no time limit for other Centrelink decisions. However, you might not receive back payment if you do not apply within 13 weeks after being given notice of the Authorised Review Officer (ARO) or Subject Matter Expert (SME) decision.
You can check the Centrelink decision letter to find out if there is a time limit and what the time limit is.
The following types of decisions have time limits:
Family assistance decisions
You must lodge the application within 90 days after you receive the ARO or SME decision.
However, there is no time limit if you receive family assistance payments by instalment or if the decision is about a family assistance debt.
Paid Parental Leave decisions as a claimant
You must lodge the application within 28 days after you receive the ARO or SME decision.
Paid Parental Leave decisions as an employer
You must lodge the application within 14 days after the date of the ARO or SME decision.
Student assistance decisions, including ABSTUDY debt decisions
You must lodge the application within 90 days after the date of the ARO or SME decision.
Requesting an extension
You can apply to us to extend the time limit to lodge your application. You must apply in writing and include reasons why the application is late. You can do this:
- when you lodge your application for review online
- when you fill in the application form [PDF, <1 MB]
- by writing an email or letter.
We will only start the review if we decide to extend the time limit.
There is no fee to apply for a first review of a Centrelink decision.
Review process
After you submit an application, we will send you a confirmation letter explaining what will happen next.
We will also notify other parties to the review that we have received the application. For Centrelink cases, the parties include:
- Centrelink
- in some cases, another person affected by the decision, such as the other parent or carer of the child in a review of a family assistance care percentage decision.
You can find out what usually happens next in the After applying section.
You can also look at the Common Procedures Practice Direction [PDF, <1 MB] for further detail.
Getting help for your review
It is important to us that you are able to fully participate in the review and present your case.
Our processes are informal and user-friendly. You can deal with us directly with little or no assistance if you wish.
However, we understand that you may need or want assistance with your review, or other kinds of support.
You can deal directly with us (represent yourself) or you can ask someone to help and represent you.
If you have any questions about the review process, you can ask us.
You can have someone to represent you such as:
- a lawyer or other professional person
- your spouse or partner
- a friend or relative.
If you want legal advice or someone to represent you, it is best to organise this as soon as possible. You can appoint someone to represent you by using the Authority for representative form [PDF, 1.1 MB].
We cannot pay for any costs of a lawyer or professional person to represent you.
Your representative can:
- communicate with us on your behalf
- give us written evidence and written submissions on your behalf
- attend the directions hearing and hearing.
We will usually send documents relating to the review directly to you. You can then give them to your representative. We will issue a non-disclosure order to any representative.
Look at the Common Procedures Practice Direction [PDF, <1 MB] for more information.
You must tell us immediately if there are any changes to your representative’s details.
We can help you understand the review process, but we cannot give you advice about your case.
There are professional people (for example, lawyers) and other organisations that can help you with your review. You can find a list of places where you may be able to get legal advice on our Help and resources page.
If you need an interpreter, please let us know. We will arrange for a qualified interpreter to assist, free of charge. Find out how.
For immediate assistance in your language, please contact Translating and Interpreter Services on 131 450.
If you need assistance because of a disability, please contact us as soon as possible. We will try and make arrangements to help.
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service.
Visit our Help and resources page.
Rate of a payment
What we can review
We can review most decisions made by Centrelink about the rate of a payment, but only if it has first been reviewed by a Centrelink Authorised Review Officer (ARO) or Subject Matter Expert (SME).
We can review most Centrelink decisions about:
- social security pensions, benefits and allowances
- concession and health care cards
- family assistance payments
- farm household support
- paid Parental Leave
- student assistance payments, including ABSTUDY.
The Centrelink decision letter will tell you if we can review the decision.
We cannot:
- review a decision that has not been reviewed by a Centrelink ARO or SME
- investigate a complaint about Centrelink
- consider a claim for compensation for detriment experienced because of defective actions or inaction (CDDA scheme)
- change the law.
How to apply
The easiest and safest way to apply for a review is online.
To create an account and lodge an application online, you will need a valid email address and information about the decision you want us to review.
Find out more about using our online services.
Paid Parental Leave (claimant)
If you want to lodge a review about a Paid Parental Leave decision, you must lodge your application in writing. The easiest way to apply is online or you can fill in an application form [PDF, <1 MB].
Paid Parental Leave (employer)
If you are an employer lodging an application about a Paid Parental Leave decision you must apply in writing. You cannot apply online. Strict time limits apply.
A Paid Parental Leave (employer) application must include:
- the condition or conditions that the employer believes are not satisfied
- a statutory declaration verifying the application.
- Application form for review of paid parental leave decision - employer [PDF, <1 MB]
You can download and fill in an application form [PDF, <1 MB] and send it to us.
Alternatively, you can ask us for a review by:
- calling us on 1800 228 333
- emailing reviews@art.gov.au
- sending us a letter
- visiting a Tribunal office.
If you want to lodge an application in person at one of our registries, or by post, email or fax, check our contact details.
When you apply for a review, we need:
- your name, postal address, telephone number and email address
- the date you received the decision
- a copy of the decision
- brief reasons why you think the decision is wrong.
If you cannot send us a copy of the decision, then include:
- the name of the department that made the decision
- a brief description of the decision
- the date the decision was made.
We can only accept an application made on behalf of someone else if you are:
- the person's lawyer
- holding a power of attorney for the person authorising the commencement of legal proceedings
- the person's appointed guardian
- the executor or administrator of the person's deceased estate.
Look at the Common Procedures Practice Direction [PDF, <1 MB] for more information.
When to apply
There are time limits for the first review of some Centrelink decisions. These are listed below.
There is no time limit for other Centrelink decisions. However, you might not receive back payment if you do not apply within 13 weeks after being given notice of the Authorised Review Officer (ARO) or Subject Matter Expert (SME) decision.
You can check the Centrelink decision letter to find out if there is a time limit and what the time limit is.
The following types of decisions have time limits:
Family assistance decisions
You must lodge the application within 90 days after you receive the ARO or SME decision.
However, there is no time limit if you receive family assistance payments by instalment or if the decision is about a family assistance debt.
Paid Parental Leave decisions as a claimant
You must lodge the application within 28 days after you receive the ARO or SME decision.
Paid Parental Leave decisions as an employer
You must lodge the application within 14 days after the date of the ARO or SME decision.
Student assistance decisions, including ABSTUDY debt decisions
You must lodge the application within 90 days after the date of the ARO or SME decision.
Requesting an extension
You can apply to us to extend the time limit to lodge your application. You must apply in writing and include reasons why the application is late. You can do this:
- when you lodge your application for review online
- when you fill in the application form [PDF, <1 MB]
- by writing an email or letter.
We will only start the review if we decide to extend the time limit.
There is no fee to apply for a first review of a Centrelink decision.
Review process
After you submit an application, we will send you a confirmation letter explaining what will happen next.
We will also notify other parties to the review that we have received the application. For Centrelink cases, the parties include:
- Centrelink
- in some cases, another person affected by the decision, such as the other parent or carer of the child in a review of a family assistance care percentage decision.
You can find out what usually happens next in the After applying section.
You can also look at the Common Procedures Practice Direction [PDF, <1 MB] for further detail.
Getting help for your review
It is important to us that you are able to fully participate in the review and present your case.
Our processes are informal and user-friendly. You can deal with us directly with little or no assistance if you wish.
However, we understand that you may need or want assistance with your review, or other kinds of support.
You can deal directly with us (represent yourself) or you can ask someone to help and represent you.
If you have any questions about the review process, you can ask us.
You can have someone to represent you such as:
- a lawyer or other professional person
- your spouse or partner
- a friend or relative.
If you want legal advice or someone to represent you, it is best to organise this as soon as possible. You can appoint someone to represent you by using the Authority for representative form [PDF, 1.1 MB].
We cannot pay for any costs of a lawyer or professional person to represent you.
Your representative can:
- communicate with us on your behalf
- give us written evidence and written submissions on your behalf
- attend the directions hearing and hearing.
We will usually send documents relating to the review directly to you. You can then give them to your representative. We will issue a non-disclosure order to any representative.
Look at the Common Procedures Practice Direction [PDF, <1 MB] for more information.
You must tell us immediately if there are any changes to your representative’s details.
We can help you understand the review process, but we cannot give you advice about your case.
There are professional people (for example, lawyers) and other organisations that can help you with your review. You can find a list of places where you may be able to get legal advice on our Help and resources page.
If you need an interpreter, please let us know. We will arrange for a qualified interpreter to assist, free of charge. Find out how.
For immediate assistance in your language, please contact Translating and Interpreter Services on 131 450.
If you need assistance because of a disability, please contact us as soon as possible. We will try and make arrangements to help.
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service.
Visit our Help and resources page.
What we can review
We can review most decisions made by Centrelink about a debt, but only if it has first been reviewed by a Centrelink Authorised Review Officer (ARO) or Subject Matter Expert (SME).
We can review most Centrelink decisions about:
- social security pensions, benefits and allowances
- concession and health care cards
- family assistance payments
- farm household support
- paid Parental Leave
- student assistance payments, including ABSTUDY.
The Centrelink decision letter will tell you if we can review the decision.
We cannot:
- review a decision that has not been reviewed by a Centrelink ARO or SME
- investigate a complaint about Centrelink
- consider a claim for compensation for detriment experienced because of defective actions or inaction (CDDA scheme)
- change the law.
Access extra information to help you prepare for a review of a decision relating to a Centrelink debt.
How to apply
The easiest and safest way to apply for a review is online.
To create an account and lodge an application online, you will need a valid email address and information about the decision you want us to review.
Find out more about using our online services.
Paid Parental Leave (claimant)
If you want to lodge a review about a Paid Parental Leave decision, you must lodge your application in writing. The easiest way to apply is online or you can fill in an application form [PDF, <1 MB].
Paid Parental Leave (employer)
If you are an employer lodging an application about a Paid Parental Leave decision you must apply in writing. You cannot apply online. Strict time limits apply.
A Paid Parental Leave (employer) application must include:
- the condition or conditions that the employer believes are not satisfied
- a statutory declaration verifying the application.
- Application form for review of paid parental leave decision - employer [PDF, <1 MB]
You can download and fill in an application form [PDF, <1 MB] and send it to us.
Alternatively, you can ask us for a review by:
- calling us on 1800 228 333
- emailing reviews@art.gov.au
- sending us a letter
- visiting a Tribunal office.
If you want to lodge an application in person at one of our registries, or by post, email or fax, check our contact details.
When you apply for a review, we need:
- your name, postal address, telephone number and email address
- the date you received the decision
- a copy of the decision
- brief reasons why you think the decision is wrong.
If you cannot send us a copy of the decision, then include:
- the name of the department that made the decision
- a brief description of the decision
- the date the decision was made.
We can only accept an application made on behalf of someone else if you are:
- the person's lawyer
- holding a power of attorney for the person authorising the commencement of legal proceedings
- the person's appointed guardian
- the executor or administrator of the person's deceased estate.
Look at the Common Procedures Practice Direction [PDF, <1 MB] for more information.
When to apply
There are time limits for the first review of some Centrelink decisions. These are listed below.
There is no time limit for other Centrelink decisions. However, you might not receive back payment if you do not apply within 13 weeks after being given notice of the Authorised Review Officer (ARO) or Subject Matter Expert (SME) decision.
You can check the Centrelink decision letter to find out if there is a time limit and what the time limit is.
The following types of decisions have time limits:
Family assistance decisions
You must lodge the application within 90 days after you receive the ARO or SME decision.
However, there is no time limit if you receive family assistance payments by instalment or if the decision is about a family assistance debt.
Paid Parental Leave decisions as a claimant
You must lodge the application within 28 days after you receive the ARO or SME decision.
Paid Parental Leave decisions as an employer
You must lodge the application within 14 days after the date of the ARO or SME decision.
Student assistance decisions, including ABSTUDY debt decisions
You must lodge the application within 90 days after the date of the ARO or SME decision.
Requesting an extension
You can apply to us to extend the time limit to lodge your application. You must apply in writing and include reasons why the application is late. You can do this:
- when you lodge your application for review online
- when you fill in the application form [PDF, <1 MB]
- by writing an email or letter.
We will only start the review if we decide to extend the time limit.
There is no fee to apply for a first review of a Centrelink decision.
Review process
After you submit an application, we will send you a confirmation letter explaining what will happen next.
We will also notify other parties to the review that we have received the application. For Centrelink cases, the parties include:
- Centrelink
- in some cases, another person affected by the decision, such as the other parent or carer of the child in a review of a family assistance care percentage decision.
You can find out what usually happens next in the After applying section.
You can also look at the Common Procedures Practice Direction [PDF, <1 MB] for further detail.
Getting help for your review
It is important to us that you are able to fully participate in the review and present your case.
Our processes are informal and user-friendly. You can deal with us directly with little or no assistance if you wish.
However, we understand that you may need or want assistance with your review, or other kinds of support.
You can deal directly with us (represent yourself) or you can ask someone to help and represent you.
If you have any questions about the review process, you can ask us.
You can have someone to represent you such as:
- a lawyer or other professional person
- your spouse or partner
- a friend or relative.
If you want legal advice or someone to represent you, it is best to organise this as soon as possible. You can appoint someone to represent you by using the Authority for representative form [PDF, 1.1 MB].
We cannot pay for any costs of a lawyer or professional person to represent you.
Your representative can:
- communicate with us on your behalf
- give us written evidence and written submissions on your behalf
- attend the directions hearing and hearing.
We will usually send documents relating to the review directly to you. You can then give them to your representative. We will issue a non-disclosure order to any representative.
Look at the Common Procedures Practice Direction [PDF, <1 MB] for more information.
You must tell us immediately if there are any changes to your representative’s details.
We can help you understand the review process, but we cannot give you advice about your case.
There are professional people (for example, lawyers) and other organisations that can help you with your review. You can find a list of places where you may be able to get legal advice on our Help and resources page.
If you need an interpreter, please let us know. We will arrange for a qualified interpreter to assist, free of charge. Find out how.
For immediate assistance in your language, please contact Translating and Interpreter Services on 131 450.
If you need assistance because of a disability, please contact us as soon as possible. We will try and make arrangements to help.
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service.
Visit our Help and resources page.
A decision by the Tribunal
What we can review
If we have already reviewed the decision you received from Services Australia, but you are not happy with our decision, you may be able to ask us to review it again.
The letter we sent you telling you about our decision will tell you if we can review the decision again and if you are a person who can apply for a review.
We cannot:
- review a decision that we already made to dismiss an application or refuse to reinstate an application for a first review
- review a decision if you are an employer and have received a first review decision from us about Paid Parental Leave.
How to apply
The easiest and safest way to apply for a review is online.
To create an account and lodge an application online, you will need a valid email address and information about the decision you want us to review.
Find out more about using our online services.
You can download and fill in an application form [PDF, <1 MB] and send it to us.
Please note that application fees may apply. Visit the fees section below for more information before lodging your application.
Alternatively, you can ask us for a review by:
- calling us on 1800 228 333
- emailing reviews@art.gov.au
- sending us a letter
- visiting a Tribunal office.
If you want to lodge an application in person at one of our registries, or by post, email or fax, check our contact details.
When you apply for a review, we need:
- your name, postal address, telephone number and email address
- the date you received the decision
- a copy of the decision
- brief reasons why you think the decision is wrong.
If you cannot send us a copy of the decision, then include:
- the name of the department that made the decision
- a brief description of the decision
- the date the decision was made.
We can only accept an application made on behalf of someone else if you are:
- the person's lawyer
- holding a power of attorney for the person authorising the commencement of legal proceedings
- the person's appointed guardian
- the executor or administrator of the person's deceased estate.
Look at the Common Procedures Practice Direction [PDF, <1 MB] for more information.
When to apply
You must lodge an application for a second review of a Centrelink decision within 28 days after you receive the first review decision from the Tribunal.
What can I do if the time limit has expired?
You can apply to us to extend the time limit to lodge your application. You must apply in writing and include reasons why the application is late. You can do this:
- when you lodge your application for review online
- by filling in an Application for extension of time [PDF, <1 MB] form and sending it to us with the application for second review of decision form
- by writing an email or letter.
Check our contact details to lodge the application at one of our registries, or send the application by post, email or fax.
What happens after you apply for an extension of time?
We will send a copy of your extension application to Centrelink. They have 14 days to tell us if they oppose the application.
If they do not oppose the application, we will generally make a decision without holding a hearing. If they oppose the application, we will usually hold a hearing before deciding the application. The hearing might be by telephone or in person at one of our Tribunal registries.
We will only start the review if we decide to extend the time limit.
There is generally no fee for a second review of most Centrelink decisions.
Second review of a decision about paid parental leave
There is a fee of $1,121 for a second review of a decision about paid parental leave.
Review process
After you submit an application, we will send you a confirmation letter explaining what will happen next.
We will also notify other parties to the review that we have received the application. For Centrelink cases, the parties include:
- Centrelink
- in some cases, another person affected by the decision, such as the other parent or carer of the child in a review of a family assistance care percentage decision.
You can find out what usually happens next in the After applying section.
You can also look at the Common Procedures Practice Direction [PDF, <1 MB] for further detail.
Getting help for your review
It is important to us that you are able to fully participate in the review and present your case.
Our processes are informal and user-friendly. You can deal with us directly with little or no assistance if you wish.
However, we understand that you may need or want assistance with your review, or other kinds of support.
You can deal directly with us (represent yourself) or you can ask someone to help and represent you.
If you have any questions about the review process, you can ask us.
You can have someone to represent you such as:
- a lawyer or other professional person
- your spouse or partner
- a friend or relative.
If you want legal advice or someone to represent you, it is best to organise this as soon as possible. You can appoint someone to represent you by using the Authority for representative form [PDF, 1.1 MB].
We cannot pay for any costs of a lawyer or professional person to represent you.
Your representative can:
- communicate with us on your behalf
- give us written evidence and written submissions on your behalf
- attend the directions hearing and hearing.
We will usually send documents relating to the review directly to you. You can then give them to your representative. We will issue a non-disclosure order to any representative.
Look at the Common Procedures Practice Direction [PDF, <1 MB] for more information.
You must tell us immediately if there are any changes to your representative’s details.
We can help you understand the review process, but we cannot give you advice about your case.
There are professional people (for example, lawyers) and other organisations that can help you with your review. You can find a list of places where you may be able to get legal advice on our Help and resources page.
If you need an interpreter, please let us know. We will arrange for a qualified interpreter to assist, free of charge. Find out how.
For immediate assistance in your language, please contact Translating and Interpreter Services on 131 450.
If you need assistance because of a disability, please contact us as soon as possible. We will try and make arrangements to help.
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, contact us through the National Relay Service.
Visit our Help and resources page.
Fair, accessible and independent
We are completely separate from Centrelink and Services Australia. We are here to make sure their decisions are legally correct and fair.