இந்தப் பக்கத்தில்
Our statutory objectives
By law, we need to provide a process of review that:
- is fair and just; and
- ensures that applications to the Tribunal are resolved as quickly, and with as little formality and expense, as a proper consideration of the matters before the Tribunal permits; and
- is accessible and responsive to the diverse needs of parties to proceedings; and
- improves the transparency and quality of government decision-making; and
- promotes public trust and confidence in the Tribunal.
Our member and staff statutory obligations
Our staff are required to uphold the Australian Public Service Values and the Australian Public Service Code of Conduct.
Our members (non-judicial) are required to abide by the Tribunal’s Member Code of Conduct.
Our commitments to you
We will be polite, respectful and courteous and use language that is clear and understandable.
Access to our staff and offices
By telephone:
Our staff will answer telephone questions from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm on weekdays, except for national public holidays. You can contact us on 1800 228 333 from anywhere in Australia. If you are calling from outside Australia, you should use +61 9276 5000.
Translating and Interpreting Service:
If you do not speak English, you can call the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) and ask them to call us.
If you are in Australia, call 131 450.
If you are overseas, call +61 3 9268 8332.
National Relay Service:
If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relay Service.
In writing:
All correspondence from us will include our contact details.
Some of the accessibility services we have available for your use:
- Wheelchair access and portable hearing loop systems are available at all our offices.
- Hearings will be held in our offices located in capital cities.
- We conduct many hearings by phone or videoconference.
Access to interpreters, representation and information
If you need an interpreter, we will provide one free of charge.
You may have someone represent or assist you.
We have information about our procedures available from our offices and on our website.
We are independent from the Government organisation, or minister, who made your original decision. We will take a fresh look at the facts, law and policy that apply to your case.
While we cannot give you legal advice, our website has information about professional services, such as lawyers, migration agents, and disability advocates, who may be able to help you with your case.
Opportunity to be heard in proceedings
You or your representative will be given a reasonable opportunity to present your case and to access information or documents.
Reasons for our decision
We will provide you with an explanation of how we arrived at the decision in your case.
- We will acknowledge receipt of applications.
- We will respond to enquiries within a reasonable time.
- Most hearings are open to the public, but we can order that a hearing be held in private or the identity of a person be kept confidential. Some types of hearing, including Centrelink, child support and refugee hearings, are private.
- We will protect your personal information. We are bound by the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988. Further information about how we handle personal information is available on our website.
Your responsibilities
You are required by law to assist the Tribunal. For an applicant, this means that you or your representative must use best endeavours to assist the Tribunal to achieve the objective set out in section 9 of the Administrative Review Tribunal Act 2024.
So that we can meet our commitments, you will need to:
- comply and cooperate with any relevant practice directions or specific directions given by us
- let us know in advance if you need any assistance with language and/or other assistance to participate effectively in proceedings
- take reasonable care for your own (and others’) health and safety when at our premises and cooperate with any reasonable instruction, policy or procedure
- keep appointments unless it is not possible to do so, in which case you should tell us as soon as possible
- give us full and accurate information
- tell us promptly of any changes to your contact details
- if you are a department/agency, use your best endeavours to assist us in making a decision
- be polite, respectful and courteous. We will restrict how we deal with people who are abusive or threatening to our staff or members.
How to give us feedback
We value your feedback on the quality of our services as it allows us to understand what is working well and where improvements can be made. You can provide feedback by using the online feedback form on our website.
It is important to understand that you cannot complain to us about a Tribunal member’s decision on your application. If you or your representative think the decision is wrong, you may have a right to apply for a further review, or to appeal to a court.
If you are not satisfied with our general service, you can make a complaint by using the online feedback form on our website.
To enable us to properly investigate your complaint, please give as much information as possible, including:
- your name and contact details (unless you wish to remain anonymous)
- if applicable, the relevant review number
- details of your complaint, including relevant dates and names of staff or members (if known)
- details of any previous interaction with us in relation to the issue
- the outcome you are seeking.
See our Feedback and complaints policy for more information.
If you believe that a non-judicial member has acted inconsistently with the Code of Conduct you can bring this to our attention by emailing membercomplaints@art.gov.au.
If you make a complaint, we will aim to respond within 20 working days. We will acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days. If your complaint is complex, it may take longer to resolve but we will keep you informed of progress.
If you are not satisfied after we have investigated your complaint, you can contact the Commonwealth Ombudsman.
Please note that the Ombudsman cannot review a Tribunal decision or investigate the conduct of members.
Help and support
You can find information about how we work and our processes on this website. You can also contact us, including with the help of an interpreter or through the National Relay Service.